Please complete the information below to apply for or renew your MBA of Alabama Membership

  • Businesses that are engaged in the mortgage banking business in the State of Alabama are eligible to be a Regular Member. This includes businesses that are engaged in substantial amount of real estate mortgage loan origination, closings, servicing or investing in mortgage loans or other types of real estate finance. This membership includes all employees of the Member Company.

  • Businesses that are not eligible to be Regular Members but which benefit directly from activity associated with the origination , closing, servicing or investments in real estate mortgage loans in Alabama are eligible to ne an Affiliate member. Affiliate members may include, but are nor limited to Industry Vendors, Credit Bureaus, Compliance, Analytics, Appraisal/Evaluation Companies, Title Companies, Mortgage Insurance Companies, Law Firms, and Consultants

  • If a person is a full-time employee of a business that is engaged in any substantial amount of real estate mortgage loan origination, closings, servicing or investing in mortgage loans or other types of real estate finance and their company will not commit to a membership, they are eligible to become an individual member at a reduced membership fee, which will be set by the Board of Directors. This membership includes only the member listed on the application.

* If you cannot upload your company logo, 

please upload a blank document and email the  logo to [email protected]*


Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
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